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Book Excerpts

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Addison's Canadian Caper

The next day, Addison’s little brother, Albert, caught sight of a sign for The Hangar Flight Museum, so they changed course.

Albert is a good kid, but his curious nature often gets him into trouble. He has ash colored hair, aqua colored eyes, and is crazy about space creatures. Like Addison, Albert often watches the planes circle their home, but unlike Addison, he tries to calculate the rate at which they will come down.

While his family toured the collection of old-fashioned airplanes, Albert took a children’s class about early flights in Canada. The class included the chance to sit in three types of older airplanes. As Albert sat in one of the planes captain’s seats, he could not have been happier. When his turn was over, Albert stood up to exit the cramped cockpit, but his shoelace caught on a floor pedal, causing him to collide into the dashboard controls, hit his chin, and collapse out the side window.


Addison Braves Brazil

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Addison Anderson lives by Adams Field Airport, in Arkansas, USA. She is a bighearted, bright-eyed, blissful, ten-year-old girl. She likes chewing banana bubble gum, riding her bicycle, and beading her own bags and belts. Addison always wears an apricot-colored ribbon in her auburn hair.

She became best friends with Benny Baxter, when their families met at Bob’s Billiards and Bowling. Benny lives in a brick building, on Bond Avenue, not far from Addison’s block. Benny is a boy scout, who wears braces, has blonde hair, keeps his baseball glove within reach, and usually wears his baseball cap backwards. Addison likes Benny’s bravado, though it sometimes causes a bit of bantering between them.

When Benny heard that the Anderson’s were going to Brazil, Benny bet his brothers that he’d be the one Addison would pick to watch her beloved pets. Benny won that bet, but hoped her trip to Brazil would be brief, because he believed it would be a long, boring summer without his buddy.                     


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Addison's Abrupt Adventures - Second Edition 

When she appeared at the Asian elephant, and American alligator areas, she found Albert dangling from an Ash tree. Aha! Addison was right. Albert was the reason for the alarm!  Addison instantly saw that Albert was afraid, and although she was apprehensive, she sprang into action. Addison addressed Albert in a calm manner, until he suddenly announced that he was slipping! Addison advanced along the branch, and quickly grabbed Albert. She pulled him up, slipped him onto her back, and while still attached, inched back down to the ground. Though Addison often gets annoyed with him, that does not change her affection for Albert.  

Albert explained that he had spotted his alien ears and had attempted to get them back. She thought that idea was absurd, but Addison chose not to argue. After giving him a hug, Addison advised Albert to stop his risky activities!


You will note that the second edition of Addison's Abrupt Adventures now reflects the same format as Addison Braves Brazil, and the way the Addison Books will look going forward. I've enhanced this edition, added new illustrations, and added word definitions to each page. 

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Addison's Abrupt Adventures

Addison was right! She appeared at the Asian elephant and American alligator areas, only to find Albert dangling from an ash tree. Addison saw that Albert was afraid, and although apprehensive, she sprang into action. Upon approach, Addison addressed Albert in a calm manner, until he announced he was slipping! Then Addison quickly advanced along the branch, and astutely attached her arms to Albert’s. Avoiding any accidents, they made it to the ground. Albert swore he’d spotted his alien ears and had attempted to retrieve them. She thought that idea was absurd, but Addison chose not to argue. After a hug, and a warning, Addison advised Albert to refrain from such astonishing activities.

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© 2021 by Laura James 

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